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About i-Spot

Understanding Eye Dominance in Shooting: A Personal and Scientific Journey

Eye dominance in shooting is a phenomenon that attracts a wide array of opinions and can often be misunderstood by both shooters and coaches alike. My own interest in this topic stems from years of personal frustration, trying to make sense of what was happening with my eyes. Despite experimenting with every available tool and technique, nothing seemed to work.

Early on, I realized I couldn’t shoot efficiently with both eyes open, no matter how often I was told to “focus on the target.” As a novice clay shooter, I resorted to shutting one eye, which yielded some success. Yet, I remained perplexed by those who could keep both eyes open and the folklore surrounding this approach among seasoned clay shooters. No matter how much I stared at the target, it simply didn’t work for me.

As a professional aerospace engineer with experience in weapons trials, I was determined to understand the science behind eye dominance. At the time, I was also instructing shooters and felt that my knowledge was too basic to properly address such a nuanced issue. Personally, I needed a detailed, scientific explanation that I could relate to and subsequently impart to clients and students. Most pressing was my need to understand why I experienced a double image of the gun when focusing on the target, while some of my colleagues did not.

Through research and experience, I came to appreciate that very talented shooters often have a strongly dominant master eye that aligns with their handedness, a natural advantage that undoubtedly contributes to their success. Of course, there are exceptions, but generally, a strong master eye and the ability to shoot with both eyes open form a solid foundation for excellence.

For many of us, however, these conditions don’t occur naturally. As such, I firmly believe that diagnosing and addressing eye dominance issues requires the skill of a knowledgeable coach. Unfortunately, the complexity of eye dominance—with its varying manifestations—can confuse even the most experienced instructors. Moreover, remedies that work for one shooter may not necessarily suit another, and effective coaching requires tailored explanations and solutions.

Throughout my shooting career, I’ve encountered numerous sceptics. They often fall into one of three categories:



Coaches who have not personally experienced eye dominance issues and primarily work with clients who don’t struggle with this problem.


Coaches who rely on dynamic corrections to guide a client onto the target. While this can temporarily mask the issue, it often leaves the client with the illusion that no problem exists.


Coaches who advise clients to simply “focus on the target.” This common advice is both oversimplified and easily disproven with the right knowledge.

The Three Main Optical Challenges in Shooting

Eye Dominance Issues

  • Misalignment due to off-eye dominance: In this scenario, the gun is partially or fully favoured by the off eye, causing it to move into that eye’s line of vision. This creates the illusion that the shooter is aligned with the target when, in fact, the gun is pointing elsewhere.

  • Head tilt caused by off-eye dominance: Here, the shooter tilts their head over the gun, again favouring the off eye. This misalignment is often mistaken by coaches as a gun-fitting issue (e.g., needing more cast) when the true cause is eye dominance.

Binocular Disparity

When focusing on the target, the shooter may perceive two or blurred images of the gun. This is a normal phenomenon for most people and reflects how our eyes naturally work. However, in clay shooting, this double image can confuse the shooter and lead to a tendency to shift focus back to the gun, disrupting aim. Instinctively, many shooters close their off eye to eliminate the second image. While effective, this reduces peripheral vision.

Finding Solutions

The first step in addressing these challenges is understanding your specific issue. They say, “Knowledge is power”, and a well-informed shooter is better equipped to implement appropriate corrections. i-Spot has been designed to provide just the right amount of correction, offering a tailored approach to improving both accuracy and scores. Before you potentially buy this product, my advice would be to better understand your issue using the links below.

Introducing i-Spot: The Ultimate Solution for Eye Dominance and Binocular Disparity in Shooting

As a shooter and coach, I developed I-Spot to address the challenges I faced with eye dominance and binocular disparity. After years of frustration and testing countless products that failed to meet my needs, I created a simple yet highly effective solution designed to suit shooters of all levels.

How I-Spot Works

At its core, I-Spot uses a specialized occlusion foil that attaches to the front lens of the shooter’s glasses on the off eye. By carefully disrupting the light entering the off eye, I-Spot allows the master eye—the one over the rib of the gun—to take control. This ensures proper alignment and eliminates confusion caused by binocular disparity, making it easier for shooters to focus on the target and achieve consistent results.

The Key Features of
Customisable Strengths and 
  • I-Spot foils come in a variety of strengths and sizes to cater to every shooter’s unique needs.

  • Larger foils are available for beginners or shooters with an inconsistent gun mount, providing more comprehensive coverage while they refine their technique.

Tailored Occlusion for Optimal Performance
  • The key to I-Spot’s effectiveness lies in selecting the correct strength of the occlusion foil.

  • Only the necessary amount of strength is applied to make the master eye dominant, or to remove binocular disparity so that only a single barrel is visible in peripheral vision.

Non-Adhesive Design 
  • The foil attaches firmly to the lens without glue, making it easy to apply and reposition without leaving residue.

Expert Fitting for Best Results
  • For optimal performance, I recommend that the foil be fitted by an experienced instructor, but you can do it yourself with a little care

  • Proper placement ensures that the off eye is fully obscured from seeing the end of the gun while maintaining the shooter’s peripheral vision.

i-Spot Product Range


Trial Pack

Ideal for first-time users, the trial pack includes a selection of foils in various strengths and sizes, allowing shooters to find the best fit for their needs.


Correction pack Set

Designed for individual shooters who have identified their optimal strength and size. This pack provides multiple foils to ensure consistency in training and performance.


Instructor Pack

A must-have for professional coaches, the instructor pack includes a diagnostic ruler that enables instructors to assess the shooter’s needs quickly and accurately. The large diagnostic foil can be used to simulate occlusion and help the shooter select the correct strength and size for their individual requirements.

Why Choose i-Spot?

Effective and Proven

I-Spot has been meticulously designed and tested to solve the real-world challenges of eye dominance and binocular disparity.

Flexible and Versatile

With customizable options, I-Spot can cater to beginners, seasoned shooters, and professionals alike.

Precision Diagnosis

The instructor pack ensures that the right strength is chosen for maximum effectiveness, reducing trial and error.

Enhanced Performance

By correcting eye dominance issues, shooters can achieve greater accuracy, better focus, and more consistent results.

Unlock Your Shooting Potential with i-Spot

I-Spot isn’t just a product; it’s a tailored solution designed by a shooter for shooters. Whether you’re struggling with eye dominance or battling the challenges of binocular disparity, I-Spot offers the precision and flexibility to help you perform at your best.​ With three tailored product options and expert guidance, I-Spot is the trusted choice for anyone looking to improve their shooting experience. Take control of your aim, eliminate distractions, and hit your targets with confidence—I-Spot has you covered.

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